Tuesday, May 23, 2006


So I wrote this all out once and lost it when my stupid computer did stupid things. STUPID.

Here we go again.

About a week ago Ryan said to me "what would you think of living in New Zealand for a bit." Half asleep and not really thinking I said "sure that could be fun"

Wednesday Ryan had an almost but not totally confirmed job.

Thursday I had an almost but not totally confirmed job.

Turns out a soaring club out there will probably be our home from October to March of this year. I will still apply for the U of C, but they may just keep my deposit if these jobs are confirmed in July. I will be at camp, so there could be a big celebration party around then.

Out at Boe Pies yesterday I have also decided that as we miss eachothers birthdays all year, the RGS staff should have a large "THE birthday party" at camp with goody bags and balloons and cake and a pinata and pin the tail on the donkay and all those other things we loved about partied when we were wee. Could be a gong show, could be super fantastic. Apparently there are about 9 new instructors this year, so the IC party should be fun too. Throw in 80's night and I hope another Pirates of the Carribean night and you can't go wrong. How bad is it that I plan these things before camp even starts? GEEK!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Flames in six...

So my brothers cat George, the siamese, is a GONG SHOW. His vertical is very impressive I must say. He's got new toys and a new house...

Talked to Kyle today... miss him like super crazy. He is doing well, torn with decisions and choices as usual. I'm almost kinda enjoying mediocrity, it's easier.

School is done for the year, so now I am working at Rogers monday to friday and gliding on weekends until camp starts. June 17 we'll drive out to Gimli again. CAN'T WAIT TO DO CAMP WITH NAT NAT!!

We're thinking of doing a big bar-b-q as a celebration that school is done... I have a text book I bought for 120 bucks and sold for 11. should have just burned it, I would have gotten more pleasure out of it!

So work this week and Cinqo de Mayo (?) at my parents in Fort Sask on friday... mmm marguritas...