Wednesday, April 19, 2006


1- go to google
2- type in FAILURE

this is someones idea of comedy, or it's just universally true...


Nothing and Everything


Drove to BC on last thursday night. Chris G called me at5 pm with drama, so our discussion and problem solvings were better suited to a road trip. We went for breakfast in Kamloops on Friday morning with the Olds Squadron. I love those guys.

Gliding was cancelled due to WET, so I spent the weekend doing the family/easter thing. Spent Sat night at Ryans parents in Bowden, then drove up to Fort Sask. to see my parents new house. Wrote a final on Monday, then drove to Canmore for the night. Carted Matt and his stuff around, he is moving out to my parents place for the summer, then went for dinner with Robyn. She is on her way to France to live with her boyfriend for about 3 months.

After sushi we went to the Rose and Crown. Drove home, had a good sleep, then had some food with Kyla at Harvest. She is off to BC this weekend FOREVER so it was a little weird to say goodbye. It wasn't really sad, we both know its not forever. Plus i'll be living with her bro as of june 1 so she can't escape me...

so here i am on wednesday, cleaning my house and running errands, getting ready for the staff "meeting" (party) i'm having here tonight. should be about 15 of us talking about video store drama and playing mario party 7 on game cube.

so i need a 2.5 GPA to get into an education degree in a couple years. sweet.

hope everyone is well, i wouldn't know because no one but my mom (love you!) ever leaves comments...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Inside Man

Fantastic movie, very recommended.

Download the song called Chaiyya Chaiyya, very cool, irresistable head bobbing ensued. It is on the soundtrack.

Off to work, no flying this weekend, so easter dinner here I come!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

60 000 thoughts in a day

and fewer than half are positive.

Here I am, dowstairs at the library at the U, eating leftover explosion salad from Chili's for breakfast. Nothing earth shattering happened this weekend, but it does deserve and update.

To bed by 1am Friday night (well sat am) and Ryan was up at 3:30 to get to work. I was out of bed by 6:15 and out of the house by 6:25 and off I drove to Timmy's. Coffee is not a regular thing for me, but I needed one that day. Didn't role up the rim and win, just rolled up the rim. The drive to gliding is always shared by a spectacular sunrise, and this Saturday was no different. I felt like I was in Brokeback Mountain as the sun peered through the fog and mist. Very cool. And cold too, can't believe I forgot my gloves.

Everyone showed around 8 and we started up the always fun job of getting everything ready to go for flying. Capt. Carson Bennet was there for the assembly of the long lost FMC, which I have been made aware will now be "my plane" as something apparently becomes yours if you have a B category accident in it. Who knew. Held the wing almost all by myself (don't laugh, it's freaking heavy when there isn't another one on the other side for balance!) and it was like we did it on fast forward. Netook assembly time = X, Gimli glider assembly time = 6X. No joke.

J-Rod got me in coveralls (which are mighty warm I learned) to change all the random fluids in all our random vehicles. Other than the couple times I thought we may die from carbon monoxide inhalation, it was great and I learned a bunch. J-Rod, be a teacher!

And just as we are about to leave, Edmonton shows up and wants their glider. So after chatting about camp for a minute, we hear the cavelry arrive. I heart aerobatics! Got them all set up and launched, which can be described in one word... SPLOOSH.

Lunch with the boys at BP's, my dad showed up en route to the house in Ft. Sask from Canmore, and a $40 tank fill saw me on the road again. Home by about 1500, Ryan was home shortly after. Drove him to the airport for his Seattle trip (I can admit that I am jealous) then back to J-Rods to watch the hockey games with Vassy and Karl. Once home I passed out at about 2330.

Woke up at 1000 (awesome sleep in!) and got started on the day off I have wanted for awhile. I went to IKEA and Home Depot, then spent about 2 hours in my backyard and about 4 in my basement. It is at the point where you know it is getting better, but it looks worse than before because everything is in piles. I didn't realize how much stuff we just move from house to house and never use... or how many flying books and manuals and random flying stuff Ryan has! GEEZ!

Dinner with Kyle and Judy, some more laundry and cleaning the basement, finally asleep for about 1am. 630 alarm clock for 8am class, and here I am, done class and almost done my salad.

So if anyone out there really wants a garden and doesn't have room, or really anyone just wants a yard... mine is all yours. My hours hardly made a dent unless you look at the pile of weeds and dead things behind my shed.

Pray for nice weather to clear up the inch of water our field has found itself under, and go for a massage people... it will make a huge difference in your outlook on life!!


Monday, April 03, 2006

5 people you meet in heaven

So I came home to a package from school Friday to find a package from Amazon books awaiting me. I eagerly opened it to find the Mitch Albom novel "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" in it.
I read it in about two days and had to let it settle a bit before I could write about it. A friend at work asked me if it changed my mind about death. My response was "Not really. It would have, but that's kinda what I already thought it would be like." He kinda smiled at me, not really understanding, but knowing he probably wouldn't.
I hope to see the people I have lost, and I'm sure there will be people I only new for a few moments, or not at all. I'm sure there will be lots of the other side of the story moments, and I'm sure I will be flooded with a million things I didn't know that I didn't know.
All I can hope is that I can accept the pain and dissapointement I may encounter in this life with a realization that it was not in vain and it did have purpose.
I guess it's all about trust.
I love you Kyle, this meant more coming from you than it could have from anyone else.