Smile and the world smiles with you
Enjoy the ride.
Everything happens for a reason.
Good things come to good people.
And more recently; Good things take time, great things happen all at once.
So I am going to take a page from my surf instructor Allister and "go where the wave wants to go. Find your balance and it will all go according to plan." Life lessons from a guy who didn't even know he was giving them.
I went for coffee with who I hope to soon be my boss on Friday. We are of the same opinion, that you find the right people to put on your team and the rest will take care of itself. If you find someone who is passionate and has a work ethic and will to win, the skills, certifications, and other random crap that people THINK are the things we are hiring for will take care of themselves. This whole conversation made me very happy. I know that I am the right person for their team. Front check in desk? Maintenance? Trainer? Whatever. Get on the team, and be the best damn... well, whatever... until you get where you want to be. Keep doing the work. Get the certifications, read the books, do what the people who are successful at what you want to do are doing. You never know who is watching, and you never know who is looking for the newest addition to their life. You never know whose day is going to be better because of the positive way you treated them and what kind of difference that person will make during the rest of their day. Take responsibility for that. Take responsibility.
I don't know a lot of millionaires who what a lot of reality TV or read the tabloids. So I don't.
I don't know a lot of physically fit people who eat gummy bears for breakfast. So I don't.
I don't know any people in happy loving stable relationships that sit at home and hope something good will come to them. So I most defiantly don't.
We get this shot at this life only once, so learn all you can learn. This means making mistakes, sounding dumb (ever tried learning a new language as an adult?) and asking questions. Lots of them. Like why things happen the way they do... ever been on a LRT with a kid when the train stops for 'no reason'? They look around and try to figure it out. Is there a dragon out there that the train man has to fight to pass? Is there a lava flow across the tracks? Too often we are just not asking the questions, and what we don't ask, could kill our dreams.
I have adopted the most annoying and most rewarding word of the two year olds vocabulary; WHY
And I have adopted Allisters surfing life advice... "Find your balance and go where the wave wants to go" instead of where I think I should go.
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