Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Talkin 'bout my generation

I am 30 today.

Single, bachelors degree, renting with a room mate, travelled to a ton of amazing places, experienced more than most, can out run and out lift most of my female peers, and I enjoy the company of my cat.

I am not a lost generation. Neither are the men of my age, give or take a few years either way. I am not less of a person for having not had babies yet. I am not, not trying, if I haven't found the man I want to spend my life with. I am not a lost soul for wanting to see the world. No, I shouldn't "settle down" thank you very much.

I want those things; a life partner and eventually kids and a family. But really, a generation or two ahead of me has fought damn hard for my rights. I intend to enjoy them.

I intend to enjoy my right to stand up and speak when I disagree. I am not trying to be impolite or rude, but the world has seen hurt and pain when no one would stand up and speak out against injustice.

I intend to enjoy my sexual rights. I cannot imagine a time when contraception was immoral. When you chanced being arrested for helping a woman prevent pregnancy. I am safe, I am aware of my rights, and I have full respect for my body. This is my vehicle for my life and I expect respect, but sex is not something to be used as a weapon, as a lure, as a promise. There is no "let me". There is ownership of my decisions. I own my body.

I intend to enjoy the fact that I am literate and educated. I wish for more knowledge, for more doors to open, for the reward of learning to be more questions unanswered. I know that a husband and kids may be hard to balance with this pursuit, but when I find an equal partner to try that all with, we will cross that bridge. I speak this way with no accusation, and only knowledge of how I would like my path to continue. My path has had a lot of zig zags so far, so who knows, but a goal is only as good as the journey to get there.

The men of my generation are not lost either. They want to work hard enough to make some cash to go to Thailand or Nepal or whatever. This does not make them irresponsible. This does not make them incapable of commitment. This makes them dreamers and adventurers, and quite frankly it makes them into the men my generation of women want to be with. I don't want my life partner wondering what the rest of the world is like. We will know. We will want to take trips together for more experiences, but to think that there must be choice: family or adventure, is to change why I believe we find partners in the first place.

I am 30.

I feel very similar today as I did yesterday.

And not all those that wander are lost.


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