Monday, April 03, 2006

5 people you meet in heaven

So I came home to a package from school Friday to find a package from Amazon books awaiting me. I eagerly opened it to find the Mitch Albom novel "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" in it.
I read it in about two days and had to let it settle a bit before I could write about it. A friend at work asked me if it changed my mind about death. My response was "Not really. It would have, but that's kinda what I already thought it would be like." He kinda smiled at me, not really understanding, but knowing he probably wouldn't.
I hope to see the people I have lost, and I'm sure there will be people I only new for a few moments, or not at all. I'm sure there will be lots of the other side of the story moments, and I'm sure I will be flooded with a million things I didn't know that I didn't know.
All I can hope is that I can accept the pain and dissapointement I may encounter in this life with a realization that it was not in vain and it did have purpose.
I guess it's all about trust.
I love you Kyle, this meant more coming from you than it could have from anyone else.


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