and camp is about 6days away.
In theory I am flying to Winnipeg on friday morning for a CSTC UHRA meeting, and then flying back to Calgary on Sat evening. Hopefully I can get that sorted out and just have Ryan and NatNat pick me up in Winnipeg on sat evening and we can drive out and start unpacking then. And by unpacking I mean partying. And by partying I mean I hope we can garage sale before we go or when we get there or hit up a Value Village and get us some bowling balls and random things to knock down in the middle of the road. HEHEHE.
Looks like camps all over the place are very short staffed this year. At the moment it sounds like Penhold alone is short about 6 flight commanders. I hope we round up some good staff to fill the positions, even if they are just three week contracts and a flight switches its staff at the halfway point along with the kids. Kinda sad that out of all the people who work with the cadets we can't round up people for CSTCs. Darn all you people that havereal jobs!!!
So I have applied for school. 5 Classes a semester that hopefully I will just re-register for next year. We brokein Ryans VISA with my deposit for school. It was pretty fun.
Went to New York New York again last night and (once again) had probably the best time I have ever had. We sang, we danced, we stood on our chairs and cheered. Loudest table tends to be a shoe in when Gillingsis on his chair screaming WIIINNNGGGGG!
This time I was wearing better shoes so I didn't leave with blisters.
The highlights included "Last Sask Pirate", "That thing you do" (which the guy didn't know so chris sang and he kinda tried to hit the right chords, which was hilarious all on its own) and various ACDC songs. Kent you'dbe proud, I did the guitar one foot hop thing across the stage.
878 had its ACR on sat and as usual I love those guys. Lots of really promising kids, andthe staff are always impressive. It's good to go back and talk to everyone and I am so glad that those are the people I call my peers and freinds. Third is selling condos, which is so funny to me because I never even imagined him coming back to Canmore let alone setting up shop! Tyler got more stuff at the silent auction than anyone else I was with, and my mom unknowingly got a brass elephant. Ryans contribution was mostly hauling chairs, which seems to be what happens when we go places. I can never just ist in the sands and watch, we always end up doing something!
The legion after lent to much catching up and more than one girlish figure joke about Thirdlet. That was fine by me, as I get enough as it is and it was nice to have some of the wrath diverted to him.
Spent this morning eating a Ryan and Gillings invention that was somewhat like sausage and egger and playing FUSION FRENZY, which is an XBOX party game that helped us contribute very much to society for the lsat 2 hours. J-Rod brought his controller over and joined in, but the day is wasting away and we've got laundry etc to do before we drive out to the in-laws for some dinner and visiting, as it may be the last time we see them all before we are off to camp.
Ryan is only a three week contract, so I will be partying with NatNat for the last 6 weeks without him.
Wish I had some pics to put up, but we were partying so much I don't even think anyone remembered a camera.
Don't worry, the digital will come to camp with me and there will be no shortage of WISH YOU WERE HERE blogs for the next couple months.
My goal is to blog at least three times a week as every day is worth an entry but not every day lends itself the time.
keep on truckin'