Friday, February 02, 2007

I heart Pictures

Thursday, February 01, 2007


So it is... well Feb 1st I guess, and I just kinda realized... well I can't sleep and I was hitting up all the usual sites and, yeah I haven't written on here in way too long.
Sorry faithful followers.

So lets see if I can do the boringness justice.
It is so windy outside that I feel as though the bird feeder I bought may not be there in the morning. I bought a birdfeeder with the thought that "hey, this will be the first time in my life I haven't had cats to eat said birds" and well, now I've got the feeder but need some feed.

We watched "Accepted" tonight and enjoyed it thoroughly. Sheer fun and funny, with a quasi attempt at a message about being yourself and living your dream, blah blah blah.

School is going half decent. None of my classes are jumping out at me as super fun and exciting and such, but I did well in a presentation on Monday so I am feeling better about higher education. Apparently I am a good speaker and look very comfortable in front of a group. Who-da thunk it eh...

What else. Oh I'm working at Rogers again. I'm hired for the Varsity location which is right by the apartment, but I'm not needed there really badly until their assistant manager leaves to go to firefighting school in about 6 weeks, so I am down in Hillhurst (kensington/14 st) while they are in a low of the highs and lows that come with staffing in Calgary.

Our new apartment is very nice if I do say so. We will be here for awhile, it's a good location and I am walking to pretty much everything I do in life right now so it helps my vehicle bill. Ryan not so much, but its only like 20 minutes to SAIT at the airport, so not too bad.

Yeah, so, yeah.

Rent "The Guardian" ASAP because it is AWESOME and if you need a good chick flick, check out "Catch and Release" in theatres and say AAWWWWW when he says his favourite colour is gray. You'll get it when you see it. I know I'm a movie geek, but free from work movies are a better investment than, well, anything that costs anything more than nothing. Oh and "Flyboys" is great too.

Catch you cats later, I've got laying awake in bed to get to!!