Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Social Stigmas...

I would like to share a couple of comical interactions I have had in the past few days revolving around my new meal and lifestyle choices...

I work with the Scouting program in the Cubs, and our group leader is a hunter. They make fantastic meat products, no preservatives, just go out, git 'er done, and feed their family for months. I think it is amazing. So while at a meeting on Sunday, one of our staff joked about another staff, and found it pretty funny that "oh we'll forgive her, she's a vegan." After I stopped laughing, I said "So am I." More laughing. Conclusion, they still love me, but I won't be having any elk stew anytime soon.

I work at a gym, so I have many regulars. One of my favourite users of our pool in the evening chatted with me at the front desk last night and asked 'how is that vegan thing going?" When I said "great" he chuckled slightly and went on his way. On his way out we had some more time to talk, and he let me know that he hoped I didn't think he was being mean or anything, and that he was very proud that I could make a difficult decision like that and stick with it. I didn't have the heart to break it to him that is is very easy once you know what to look for!!

I also had some facebook replies to the status "Brittany thinks this vegan thing is awesome" such as 'I am a meatatarian, its a personal choice,' 'way to stick with it Britt!' 'a vegan motorcycle rider? you going to walk into a biker bar and order a tofu burger with a side of yam fries?!'

I laughed.

Then had a craving for yam fries dipped in vegenaise with some garlic and chili powder in it... mmmmm.

Have an amazing day! I will!


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