There is much to say and I will try, but my arm hurts so I may have to add more tommorrow.
So the weather here is cooperating very well and we are well into the students' flying. I have 4 students this summer; Mike Jasieniuk, Kristine Kostyniuk (I got 2 out of 3 of the uks), Sarah Parkinson, and Ryan Gallant. All are doing well and I think I won the student lotto.
My arm... story 1. On Saturday night I was helping bring food into the mess for our get together and low and behold, being the klutz that I am, I bailed off of the deck. 5 stairs and about 4 feet later I was scraped, bruised and bleeding on my left side, and stiff and sore on my right.
After 1st aiding myself for a couple minutes, Ryan drove me back to the barracks. While putting on my seat belt (with my right hand) I think I partially dislocated my shoulder... if that includes the bone coming an inch forward and out of the joint and the accompanying pain, then thats what it was. SUCKED BAD. I think that is the worst pain I have ever felt. GROSS. So we went to the hospital and she was like "well it's in the right place now, so there is nothing we can do. Come back when it pops out again." AAHHHH! So I spent the night in a sling so no one would run into me and answered the question "what happpened to YOU" about 40 times. Soyeah, my wing hurts and I am doing rotations of 3 flights to rest in between. Once my students fly airtow, I will be able to do 6, as I won't ACTUALLY be flying anymore.
What else. Ryan has decided to stay. He did some math and talked to WJ and it looks like this is the better place for him to be. I like it cause I get to see him, and he likes it cause he gets to fly and have a student. Just one, the last of the Setlacks.
Out address here is Box 1960
Gimli, MB
R0C 1B0
is anyone wants to write... mail is fun.
We are off to Winnipeg tonight for Vietnamese food because Chinese night at the mess, all though yummy, isn't really good for the diet.
My students still don't believe me when I tell them my weight, and I plan on getting it to a number people don't go "REALLY?" at.
Pig Roast is August 5th for those of you that want to come out for it... It will be awesome and if you let me know now I can tell the Col. so I don't get in trouble...
UHRA training was good so far, no incidents to report and that is awesome. I always said pilots knew where the line was... stupid and fun don't have to be abusive.
Hope everyone is doing well, now that i have internet I will be faster on email responses and I'll be blogging far more regularly.
Morning off tommorrow, briefing at 11 and flying at 1215. Should be on the field till about 8 or 9pm. This year is 24 on, 24 off, so we fly a night then a morning, then have an afternoon and morning off. Its good for the soul, but bad for the sleep sched!
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