Spring Courses
So here is the theory... English 240, the intro to english that all english everything take, and knes 473, one of the craziest knes courses as far as work load goes, in the spring. gotta check out when camp actually is this year. went to the applpication website and surprise surprise it's not up and running yet so that will all have to wait. plus, don't tattle, but i may or may not have missed some of my flights from the spring and need to log those to know exactly how many hours I actually have.
The spring courses would be Mon Tues Wed Thurs stating at 8 am... fun for the whole family. That would be two more down in the race for a degree that I somehow feel that I am losing. It's like I just keep finding more classes I need to take and more things I want to do. So the Eng 240 is a precursor to an english minor I'm still not _really_ enrolled in, but I should stop by the english department sometime soon and have a chat with the hopefully nice people down there.
This is really all in the hopes that some random person will offer me the chance to do my PhD in Scotland sometime in the future...
Beware the random people offering Ph. D. scholarships...
Bee, you really want to go talk to the department - 11th floor of Social Science, open 8:30-4:30 closed for lunch. You can also call or e-mail for an appt - info on the webpage. You might want to consider taking 354 since Hadley is teaching it and she is REALLY good! Also, it is faily light since all you have to read is poety. My suggestion is do a spring of English and then you are down an entire semester come the fall! Hope that helps! Hugs, K
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