Another Day in Kines
630 came too early today.
The 8 am class of mind sciences focused today on motivation. Different motivations for different groups of people to begin or stay a part of a fitness regime. I can't help but wonder how I am paying 500 bucks for information that I gained in 6 weeks teaching an SLC fight. It's like one of those posters... "Everything I ever needed to know I learned in the Air Cadet Program." I should make one of those.
I have an evaluation coming up at work in about a month. I get to take home the marking guide and mark myself, then give it back to management so they can mark me. Apparent'y I have "nothing to worry about 'cause I'm a superstar." Coolio.
But in the world of piles of movies ( and I mean piles... about 100 to get shrink wrapped and another 100 to label, 100 to put away and 100 to check in...) Iwonder if one can ever really get ahead. Just when something starts to get under control, chaos ensues somewhere else. Kinda fun and challenging if you look at it through fresh eyes.
Speaking of fresh eyes, Lasik today. I'm supposed to go to work about 30 minutes after my appointment is done, but I have been counselled that my ability to see after I am given the dialating drops will be slim to none, so we'll see if my work rating suffers a no-show/ very late show. In my own defense, I did ask for it off...
and speaking of time off, (I'm good at that joining paragraphs thing eh) I should phone Rob and see if I still need next weekend for the snowcave campout. Considering the complete lack of snow here, I may just stay home and see if Benders nieces can come out. I got a whole pile of books from my mom as she was packing that I hadn't seen in awile. And a new toothbrush head. Mmmm, vibrating skull...
well I should be reading a text or sumthing...
wish me luck in the eye department!
How did the eyes go?
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