Monday, November 27, 2006


So here we sit in Nelson (nope, not BC), in THE BUG backpackers, which is AWESOME, looking at pics from yesterday of swimming with the dolphins.

If any of you ever get the chance, jump at it, run after it, whatever, but TAKE IT. Probably the best money we have spent yet. Wet suits and all we were dumped into the ocen into the middle of a pod of Dusky Dolphins. We have a boatload of pics, none of which we can upload until we get wireless and can use our computer instead of the one provided. Also, Ryan used the underwater camera we bought, so when we are in one place long enough to develop film we will see if any of those turned out. Ryan was probably the most entertaining swimmer. You are supposed to do weird things and make noise and such to attract the dolphins attention (we are their entertainment, not the other way around!) and Ryan was a total goof. Well, it worked. At one point he was circling with about 6 or 8 dolphins. They swim around you and you try to keep up with them. Diving down also works, brings to mind the voice of Bill Engval, "Hey waya doin?" I'm sure that our home and the homes of our friends will be covered in huge photos of dolphins once you see some of the stuff we got. Oh, and video footage galore, so we should be able to make a DVD and try and get some stills from that too. TEASER... Lots of aerobatics, a foot shot, and a mom and baby...

Today we are off to Golden Bay, spend a couple days kayaking or horse trekking or hiking or sumthing, then back through here (too bad the bug is booked, the shower is to die for...) before we head to Picton, where we catch the ferry to Wellingon. From there on in we'll north island it up for awhile, ending up in Auckland for the 10th/11th/12th.

Thanks to everyone for the party invites, it makes it easier to be excited about coming home when everyone we know is so excited to see us. You guys are the best. Oh, and I may need a place in Calgary to live for Jan - April for school, so keep your ears to the ground for me guys.
Thanks for reading, post comments so we know you guys are alive! It's no fun to check up and have nothing to read!!


At 07:42, Blogger Kyla said...

B! Looking forward to seeing you. I will be home from the evening of the 27th till noon on the 1st. We HAVE TO get together or I won't see you until next summer :(

Glad you are having fund on the other side. When do you fly? Also, thanks for the letter - it took 9 days!

Hugs to you both!

P.S. rez may have room for the winter if you want to do rez?!

At 17:54, Blogger ksparents said...

Have been following your travels on your blog. Also looking forward to seeing your pictures when you get back to Canada. Glad to hear you having such a great time. Have a good flight back.

Val & Bob

At 18:47, Blogger Gi@nT said...

Wow, swimming with dolphins... Must have been amazing, I think the last wild animal I had any close contact with was a magpie.

In other words this is Andrew saying I'm jealous beyond belief! :(

Safe travels home!


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