Saturday, October 21, 2006

The ASH 25... the glider that frowns when it lands...

This is totally not going to do this flight any justice.

As a pilot from the prairie region, I see water and fields. And more more water and more fields.
THIS on the other hand is something totally different.

Flying with Don M in his Ash 25 is like, well, think of whatever car you think is the nicest, fastest, most up to date and gorgeous vehicle you have ever set eyes on... now climb into it and play in it for 2 hours. It was like that, but cooler.

We took off at 2:15 in the afternoon, and holy cow was I in for it. ROCKS. Seriously, they are RIGHT THERE. And you are TRYING to get CLOSER to them. Does that sound wrong to anyone else? I pretty much got to where I thought was too close, then kept pointed straight at them for another ONE TWO THREE and then turned. And apparently I am still a bit shy of them. INSANE.

Don was very fantastic, telling me everything he could think of, making my bucket overflow in about 10 minutes. Heck, the takeoff pretty much filled it!

All in all, this flight was a fantastic intro to this kind of flying, something that the cadets here (who have been doing training all this weekend) take totally for granted.

The race to learn has begun, and every answer provides another 10 questions, and no amount of practice is enough.

Oh, and the frowning comment, the Ash's ailerons point up to get better performance at slower speeds... like landing... making the wing tips push down. You can't see them from the cockpit, and I am guessing that from the front, it is one unhappy looking glider...

Specs on the ASH 25

Span = 25M (82ft. !!!)
Vne = 145kts (?) ( 265km/h )
Glide Ratio = 60:1

(pictures to follow soon)


At 10:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan and Brit, it looks as though you guys are having a great time! All the best to you and hope you have a great time.

At 17:23, Blogger Kyle said...

Uhhh, wow?!

At 18:18, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. insert jealous guy here.

How the hell can I cut you down a notch when you have a job that I usually call free time fun? ugh.

No more lancers on the lancer page though.. come on. im sure someone in NZ has a GSR Evo III that i would DIE to get a picture of. Anyways, enjoy your week, kiwis!

At 12:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie;
You look gorgeous! Sounds like you are having a ball.
We got moved but will be unpacking for weeks if not months. We have too much stuff but this little house has lots of storage space. Uh Oh!
Love you and miss you.


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